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St.Pauls Bay Bypass Wall Replacement Nears Completion

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Infrastructure Malta is nearing completion of the replacement of the dangerous leaning wall along the St. Paul’s Bay bypass, a month after commencement. Initially expected to take only a few days, the project was delayed due to unforeseen complications. Upon commencing work, engineers discovered soil and other materials pushing against the old wall, necessitating the construction of concrete pile structures to prevent future issues, which was completed on September 27.

The final stage, set to conclude in the coming days, involves installing a limestone facade to cover the concrete structure for aesthetic purposes. Infrastructure Malta is working on the publicly owned section of the wall, while a private property owner is conducting similar work on the adjacent section.

The wall’s instability had raised concerns among residents, who warned of potential fatal consequences if it collapsed. Emergency works began on August 21, with lane closures in place to ensure safety. The delays have caused inconvenience, but Infrastructure Malta’s efforts prioritize public safety and preventing accidents along the bypass.

Residents had previously expressed worries about the wall’s lean, with visible cracks and dislodged stone blocks. Police tape and warning signs were placed around the area to alert motorists and pedestrians. The project’s completion will alleviate concerns and ensure a safer commute for those using the St. Paul’s Bay bypass.

Infrastructure Malta’s proactive approach to addressing infrastructure vulnerabilities demonstrates its commitment to maintaining Malta’s transportation networks. Upon completion, the new wall will significantly enhance safety and stability in the area, providing peace of mind for residents and travelers alike.

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