Home / Malta / Malta’s Shrinking Population: A Demographic Crisis

Malta’s Shrinking Population: A Demographic Crisis

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Image Source : Malta Today

Malta’s population is facing a significant challenge, with projections suggesting it could shrink by half in just 45 years. This alarming trend is largely attributed to the country’s extremely low fertility rate, which is currently the lowest in the European Union.

To put this into perspective, Malta’s total fertility rate stands at 1.08 births per woman, significantly lower than the EU average. This means that, on average, a Maltese woman will have only one child throughout her lifetime.

The impact of this low fertility rate is already being felt, with the population growth rate slowing down dramatically. In fact, between 2013 and 2023, Malta’s population increased by almost a third, but nearly all of this growth was due to migration, rather than natural population growth.

If this trend continues, Malta’s population is projected to decline sharply, with potentially severe consequences for the country’s economy, society, and culture. It’s essential for policymakers and stakeholders to address this issue urgently and develop strategies to encourage higher birth rates and mitigate the effects of population decline.

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