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Retired Soldier Denies Firing at Car After Gate Crash

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Image Source : Misfud&Misfud Advocates

A 64-year-old retired soldier, Joseph Bezzina, has been accused of firing at a car that rammed into his farmhouse gate in Maghtab on September 25. The driver, Michael Camilleri, 41, had previously admitted to causing damage and was sentenced to a suspended sentence, €3,000 fine, and a three-month driving ban.

Bezzina faces charges of attempted grievous bodily harm, wilful damage, and firearms offenses. His lawyers argue that he was protecting his family and property, citing a provision of law that exonerates individuals acting in self-defense at night. However, Magistrate Donatella Frendo Dimech denied bail due to the serious nature of the charges and pending civilian testimony.

The incident allegedly stemmed from an argument between Camilleri and Bezzina’s son. Prosecutors objected to bail, citing concerns of evidence tampering and the need to safeguard the common good. The magistrate recommended specialized detention for Bezzina, acknowledging prima facie evidence of self-defense.

Bezzina pleaded not guilty, with his lawyers, Arthur Azzopardi and Jacob Magri, representing him. The case highlights the complexities of self-defense laws and the balance between individual rights and public safety.

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