Home / Travels / Sixth turtle nesting site located at Gozo’s Ir-Ramla l-Ħamra beach.

Sixth turtle nesting site located at Gozo’s Ir-Ramla l-Ħamra beach.

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The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) has announced the location of the sixth nesting site of the season: Ir-Ramla l-Hamra, Gozo 

The loggerhead turtle was discovered on the shore at approximately 8pm yesterday. ERA personnel arrived on the scene and,  in collaboration with Nature Reserve Malta (NTM), initiated a closure of the entire area  to protect the nest. The aim of this measure is to protect the eggs from possible disturbances. An emergency protection ordinance will also be put in place to further strengthen this protection. 



“If any turtles are spotted nesting, they should not be touched,” the  ERA said in a statement. Additionally, noise and trampling near nesting sites can pose a danger to the turtles’ eggs and the eggs that hatch from them. 

The endangered state of the loggerhead turtle’s:

“The loggerhead turtle, known as ‘il-fekruna L-komuni’ in Maltese, is a protected species under local and international legislation due to its endangered status”.It is a long-lived, slow-growing marine animal that inhabits tropical to temperate climates. Killing, trapping or trading turtles or eggs, or deliberately disturbing this species, especially during periods of reproduction, breeding and migration, is an offence  punishable by a fine of 500 to 2,400 euros for each destruction or removal from a turtle. Eggs taken from their natural habitat are punishable. The site where the eggs are laid is a protected area and a Natura 2000 site.

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