Home / Fashion & Life Style / Malta’s MICAS Inauguration Enhances Cultural Landscape

Malta’s MICAS Inauguration Enhances Cultural Landscape

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01 MICAS 09

Image Source : Aei Progetti

Malta’s cultural landscape is set to expand with the inauguration of the Malta International Contemporary Art Space (MICAS) on October 25. Prime Minister Robert Abela will officially open the restored 17th-century Ospizio and Floriana Lines’ Knights-era fortifications, transformed into a multifaceted campus of indoor gallery spaces. The launch will feature an exhibition by celebrated Portuguese artist Joana Vasconcelos, whose large-scale installations will bring MICAS’s four-storey galleries to life.

The iconic MICAS structure boasts a monumental roof of welded steel beams, seamlessly integrating contemporary design with historic architecture. The four levels of galleries resemble terraces between bastions, with natural ventilation and lighting provided by the steel roof. Dignitaries and special guests will attend the opening, with speeches by Prime Minister Abela, Minister Owen Bonnici, MICAS executive chair Phyllis Muscat, artist Joana Vasconcelos, and Restoration Directorate’s director-general Norbert Gatt.

Following the launch, the public is invited to an open day on November 10 to explore the exhibition and MICAS’s architecture. According to Phyllis Muscat, MICAS will strengthen Malta’s cultural infrastructure, providing a platform for contemporary art and internationalization. This community project has liberated historic fortifications, returning the land to the public and offering a cultural destination attracting international artists and audiences.

MICAS’s inauguration marks a significant milestone in Malta’s cultural development, cementing its position as a proactive player in the contemporary art world. The project’s restoration has preserved the nation’s rich historical landscape while injecting new life into the arts scene.

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