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MCAST and MUT Pay Talks Leave Students Frustrated

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The ongoing pay talks between the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) and the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) have left students frustrated as industrial action continues. MCAST has assured that it is “working diligently to reach a resolution” , but the prolonged negotiations have caused disruptions to the academic calendar, much to the dismay of students.

The MUT has been holding talks with the Office of the Prime Minister in an effort to break the impasse. The union has declared a trade dispute with MCAST over salary issues, citing the college’s repeated mistakes in salaries and arrears . Despite an initial understanding on the way forward, the MUT has expressed concerns that MCAST may continue to drag its feet and find excuses to refrain from adhering to agreements .

As the negotiations drag on, students are growing increasingly anxious about the impact on their studies. The industrial action has already caused disruptions to classes and exams, and students are worried that the situation may worsen if a resolution is not reached soon. The MUT and MCAST must work together to find a solution that addresses the concerns of both parties and minimizes the impact on students.

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