Home / Economy / After 18 months of waiting, the Christmas Village workers have finally been paid off

After 18 months of waiting, the Christmas Village workers have finally been paid off

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Over a year and a half after the event, at least eight workers have been fighting  for the money they were promised. JK Security Services Limited, provided manpower to the event that was branded as a ‘magical village’. Most of the workers were non-EU workers.

The unpleasant condition of the unpaid  Workers of the Event   

 It Highlights the plight of eight unpaid workers who are responsible for building, maintaining , Manning stands, cleaning and serving refreshments in the village .Eight workers who were not paid for their services said they had no written contract but only had a verbal agreement with JK security owner Kevin Borg  Many working seven days a week, sometimes up to 15 hours .The issue of unpaid workers is one of a number of cases in which third national countries have not been paid 

    christmas village

Source: Times of malta.com

 However, one of the people that claimed to have a work permit with JK Security says they pay him for doing his job. Through social media posts and word of mouth, some workers have learned about the possibility of working at the Christmas Village with JK security.

The Controversy between Borg and the workers 

       borg and workers

Source: Times of malta

 Initially, Borg was in a WhatsApp group chat. He informed the employees that he had not been paid by the organiser of the Christmas Village, Micallef, before they could be paid. Borg, however, refused to provide further examples when asked. Borg said no one from the group could go to his office when some employees told him that they were going to report this case to Jobsplus

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